"OPEN DAY - a moment of relax"

enjoy 30 minutes of SHIATSU for free

Have you ever heard of this ancient Japanese "art" with which through pressure on certain areas or points, the body is rebalanced to improve the person's physical, mental and emotional health and well-being? Are you curious and would you like to try it?

I offer you 30 minutes to experience a short shiatsu massage and perhaps this will awaken in you a curiosity to know more.

This free session will take place on 27th of March 2025 from 9am to 7pm.

Feel free to contact me for a reservation. 

published on 07/03/2025

"OPEN DAY - a moment of harmony"

enjoy 30 minutes of REIKI for free

Are you curious to try a Japanese technique that uses universal energy and physical contact through the hands to restore psycho-physical health?

I offer you 30 minutes to experience a short reiki treatment and perhaps this makes you curious to know more.

This free session will take place on 27th of March 2025 from 9am to 7pm.

Feel free to contact me for a reservation. 

published on 07/03/2025


I have launched this project in order to share our experiences, our ideas, our knowledge and to share it with other people.There is a lot of pain and unhappiness around all of us.
I am convinced that the unity can bring more serenity in our


published on 07/03/2025

"Quote for the month of MARCH"

Author: Joseph Campbell
Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer.
The meaning of life is whatever we give it. Being alive is the meaning.
We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.

published on 03/03/2025

What happens when a child loses his appetite?

In this article I would like to report Shizuto Masunaga's observations which are valuable even in these days.

There are many mothers who are frightened by their children's poor appetite. If a child has a poor appetite, he is not considered sick in modern medicine, unless he is really very thin.

Some mothers report that their children have no appetite at mealtimes, but are happy to eat out of hours. Convinced that their children are undernourished, they offer them their favorite food such as sweets or tasty food, but often very high in calories.

In the past, traditional dishes were prepared, they were varied and nutritious. Now we have food that is simple and quick to prepare, nevertheless very high in calories. The rhythm of life has accelerated, so preparing a traditional meal is no longer functional. As a result, the habit of traditional consumption is lost.

When a child doesn't eat it's because he is already full, and therefore not hungry. It is very useful to do Shiatsu on the child's abdomen and the gastro-intestinal system gets back into function over time. With mothers' insistence on eating, the sympathetic nervous system is activated and in children it creates tension and blocks the functioning of the stomach.

According to Masunaga this can be solved by stimulating children through touch. Today we tend to forget this aspect, today we tend not to accustom the child to being cuddled in the arms in order to become more independent. Newborns sleep in their cots and many mothers, for convenience, prefer not to breastfeed. Lately, the value of breastfeeding has been rediscovered, but in any case after the meal the baby is placed in the crib and held in the arms as little as possible so as not to let him develop "bad habits".

It is said that children are cute because they look for any possible way to be loved. It is said that children are tied to their parents, their feelings and therefore parents should be aware of this.

"Caring for a child through touch is important and necessary."

published on 27/02/2025

An unforgettable Shiatsu experience

Meeting with the Deaf Mute Association of Tigullio in Chiavari 22/02/2025

We meet with the association for the 3rd time. We feel at home because they welcomed us with open arms. We therapists are happy to see each other again and experience this day together.
Deaf and dumb people can't wait to be cared for, to abandon themselves, to relax their mind and body.
The association invited us to have lunch together, a very pleasant moment. At the end of the day we therapists treated ourselves to a nice cup of tea together.
I can't wait to participate in another project.
The source: https://www.facebook.com/FISieoLiguria

published on 26/02/2025

How to take care of our body?

The first thing to do is to work on awareness; realize what our physical body is like, take care of our needs and sensations. We often pay attention to our body when it doesn't work properly, when we feel pain or when we experience particular sensations. Very often we don't listen to what our body wants to tell us or to transmit.

Important points to consider:


  • we write down everything we eat during the day

  • we pay attention to feelings of hunger and satiety

  • we try to understand what's behind our food choices

  • it is equally important to pay attention to our water ratio (our body needs a lot of liquids during the day)

  • we eat natural food and avoid pre-packaged and industrial food (as these lack nutrients)

  • we pay attention to ultra-processed or processed food (the more we eat, the fatter we get and the sicker we get)

  • studies done show that eating processed food increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, cancers and tumors


  • in ancient times man moved continuously, he did not lead a sedentary life like today

  • we try to move on foot during the day rather than by public transport

  • when this is not possible, we dedicate our free time to walking or short walks

  • it is possible to cycle or swim but these activities are less productive than walking (in cycling or swimming there is not as much load on the bones as in walking which is necessary for our well-being)


  • we often spend the day indoors with artificial lighting

  • sunlight promotes the creation of vitamin D (it is necessary for bones, for our immune system and in general for our health and well-being)

  • we spend time outdoors, possibly walking in nature (at the seaside, in the woods, in the mountains or in city parks)

  • it is preferable to take walks in the morning or before or after lunch (this helps with digestion and it is useful for the prevention of osteoporosis)


  • it is important to have the correct sleep-wake rhythm

  • it is preferable to go to sleep at the same time, early enough in the evening to wake up early in the morning

  • artificial light, cell phones and television should be avoided in the last hours before going to sleep (they are considered disturbing)

  • we rather dedicate our time to reading or listening to relaxing music

  • it is equally important to rest during the day, taking short breaks to relax the body, eyes and joints


  • it is often not considered or achieved

  • to understand better what our body needs, there are various techniques that can help us

  • mindfulness is one of these techniques

  • with mindfulness we bring attention to the various areas of the body, to our sensations through breathing

  • while breathing we encounter various sensations, both positive and negative - it is important not to judge ourselves

  • we listen ourselves, we take into account what we feel but we don't judge ourselves, we listen and accept our sensations


  • it is also important to dedicate ourselves to mobilization which is different from daily movement

  • what does it mean?

  • we talk about joint and spinal mobilization

  • on this as on awareness we can work for example with yoga

  • by practicing various postures or yoga positions we work on flexibility and muscle strength


  • it is recommended to do self-massages, also using essential oils, and this helps us get to know our body better

  • we can also turn to professionals and have professional treatments carried out, such as classic massages or energy treatments, including Foot Reflexology or Facial Reflexology or Shiatsu treatments

  • various types of breathing exercises are very useful, including Pranayama (the ancient yogic practice that teaches us to control our breathing to harmonize body and mind) or the practice of Meditation

  • Bioenergetic Activations practices also have many beneficial aspects: they increase oxygenation, improve the sleep-wake rhythm, reduce tension or anxiety

  • Bioenergetic Activations are a revolutionary method created by Daniel Lumera that connects every aspect of the human being, a bridge between the biological, the psychological, the emotional, the spiritual and consciousness - using correct conscious breathing, correct visualization and correct intention

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." (Hippocrates)

published on 14/02/2025

"Quote for the month of FEBRUARY"

Author: Monia Ghesini
You find the strength within you, no one can give it to you. The strength to let go, the strength to forget, the strength to live, the strength to keep fighting.
The strength to smile even when you don't feel like it, even when someone wants to take it away from you.
Win your battle but not on others, on yourself... the battle of your life.
Find the sun within you, so that it can shine every time the rain wants to wet your smile and outrage your soul.

published on 10/02/2025

"Quote for the month of JANUARY"

Author: Arthur Schopenhauer
Life and dreams are sheets of the same book.
Reading them in order is living, leafing through them at random is dreaming.

published on 07/01/2025


In our lives we experience many discomforts which can be physical, mental or emotional. We experience many traumas, from our childhood through our adult life.

How many of these inconveniences are we able to resolve at that moment?

If they are not resolved at the time we experience the difficulty, they will be set aside and deposited over time. And they will eventually result in physical pain, in immediate or acute illness or in cronic disease.

So we are experiencing symptoms but what about the cause? The cause lies deeply in our mental or emotional level.

Let's take the example of the iceberg to understand it better.

The top of the iceberg emerging from the water is like a "symptom" and represents our pain and discomfort.

Looking at the other part of the iceberg lying underwater, we can see that it is much larger. This part represents the "cause", this is the part of us that we often do not recognise, do not accept or of which we are not aware.

And this is where shiatsu or any other holistic technique comes into play. These oriental techniques not only act on the symptoms but also on the cause.

And then slowly and eventually the iceberg will get smaller and smaller until it melts.

published on 18/12/2024


CHRISTMAS PROMOTION - 2 treatments for the price of 1 

By purchasing 1 treatment in the period 01/12-20/12/2024, you will receive the second treatment for free, to be used by 31/01/2025.

Relax with Shiatsu.....give the gift of well-being to yourself, your loved ones, your family, your friends or your colleagues.....a wonderful gift idea.

published on 06/12/2024


I have launched this project in order to share our experiences, our ideas, our knowledge and to share it with other people.There is a lot of pain and unhappiness around all of us.
I am convinced that the unity can bring more serenity in our


published on 06/12/2024

Author: Sadhguru
Will I regret it? Why? Why should you regret what you do?
Don't worry about the world because the world only acknowledges success. They will not acknowledge your passion, your involvement, your love for what you do, your commitment, your dedication. Unfortunately, they only appreciate success.
You see, this question comes from the assumption that there are right things to do and wrong things to do. There is no such thing as something is better than the other.
Perhaps most people think in terms of what is more rewarding than the other. If rewards are your only goal, it's better to go do something else.
What you do matters and it is important.
Along the way, obviously, you would like things to happen in your life, so you need certain things…that's different.

published on 06/12/2024

"Quote for the month of DECEMBER"

Keeping the body healthy is a duty... otherwise we will not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.
Health is the best gain, contentment is the best wealth, trust is the best relative, extinction is the supreme happiness.

published on 29/11/2024


CHRISTMAS PROMOTION - 2 treatments for the price of 1 

By purchasing 1 treatment in the period 01/12-20/12/2024, you will receive the second treatment for free, to be used by 31/01/2025.

Relax with Shiatsu.....give the gift of well-being to yourself, your loved ones, your family, your friends or your colleagues.....a wonderful gift idea.

published on 26/11/2024


Through the FISieo association of which I am an ordinary member, I had the opportunity to participate in the event organized in the months of September and November with the Deaf Mute Association of Tigullio G.B. Assarotti Onlus in Chiavari.
It was a wonderful experience of sharing shiatsu with deaf and mute people. We were welcomed with heart and during the first meeting there was a lot of curiosity and many questions and also sharing of their life stories.
People completely entrusted themselves to us and during our second meeting, which was dedicated to treatments, they abandoned themselves to the pleasure of shiatsu. They also discovered the beauty of relaxation and the benefits of this Japanese art.
The source:

published on 26/11/2024


Parents wish their children to become independent and happy. But nowadays children and teenagers are influenced by many factors: by friends, by the internet and cell phones, by bad eating habits, by lack of guidance and by lack of time. So what we see is that various problems and disorders are growing among the young population.
Shiatsu helps parents get to know their children through touch, thus developing mutual understanding.
As children grow, they encounter people who are unwell and shiatsu can help strengthen their immune system and prevent complications.
In case of difficulties, shiatsu can increase parents' confidence in dealing with them in a natural way. Many parents fear missing out or misunderstanding their child's needs. Shiatsu can improve the emotional relationship between parents and children.

published on 19/11/2024

"Quote for the month of NOVEMBER"

When you are content to simply be yourself and not compare or compete with anyone, everyone will respect you.

Being yourself is a mission, the most difficult one. It will distance you from many people but those who are truly worthy will stay close to you.

published on 04/11/2024


I have launched this project in order to share our experiences, our ideas, our knowledge and to share it with other people.There is a lot of pain and unhappiness around all of us.
I am convinced that the unity can bring more serenity in our hearts.


published on 04/11/2024

Why practice Shiatsu on infants and children?

We can define shiatsu as "a contact", as "a touch" and these are the first sensory experiences. It is the first thing the child experiences while being in the mother's belly.
In the first years of life the child uses the sense of touch much more than the sense of sight or hearing. They have the greatest sense of receiving and interacting in this period of their lives.

What are the benefits of shiatsu?

  • Emotional well-being - shiatsu brings calm and angry, sad, nervous or scared children feel more relaxed

  • Bodily well-being - shiatsu brings balance to the entire body, stimulates the organs and helps with breathing, digestion or evacuation

  • Physical growth's well-being - shiatsu helps to promote harmonious physical growth because it dissolves muscle tensions and consequently the child grows in a healthier way

  • Relations between parents and children's well-being - thanks to physical contact and touch, shiatsu brings harmony in the non-verbal communication between parents and children and at the same time improves the affection and love between them

  • Cognitive well-being - according to some research, massaged children have superior neurological development compared to non-massaged children

A touch, a caress, a hug, at any age of the child, helps to have better breathing, to remove various blocks in the body, to release tensions, to smile more and to feel happier.

published on 25/10/2024

Autumn and Shiatsu

What happens in nature in autumn? The days get shorter, the temperature drops and everything slows down. The animals begin to make provisions for the winter and man collects the last fruits, the last vegetables and everything he sowed in the summer period, placing it in the warehouses. Summer energy Yang (heat) retreats towards the earth, towards the energy Yin (cold).

Even in human being we can observe the desire to rest, to withdraw towards himself, to withdraw completely.

According to T.C.M. (Traditional Chinese Medicine) autumn is linked to the Metal element, to the ability for introspection and self-preservation; to the ability to collect everything we consider useful and eliminate everything we find useless.

This happens through breathing, that is, through the skin and lungs which are the only organ to have direct contact with the outside. Therefore through breathing, the skin and lungs are capable of bringing in and storing what is useful and throwing out what is useless. The large intestine also expels things we don't need. If the energy of the Metal is in good condition, there will be a continuous exchange between the outside and the inside.

Breathing and defecation are two activities that we carry out every day and to which we almost never pay attention. We can go on for weeks without eating and days without drinking, but only a few minutes without breathing. Breathing and releasing intestinal waste are fundamental activities for human survival.

The emotions related to the Metal are sadness, nostalgia and depression. Even the sense of abandonment; from this often arises the desire to isolate oneself from the world. It's time to let go of what we don't need; let go of the past and negative emotions.

What are the energy imbalances of the element Metal? For example, skin problems, difficulty breathing, intestinal problems, hair that tends to weaken, a nose prone to colds and also apathy, melancholic attitudes, isolation from others.

Foods that benefit from good energy balance include white-colored foods such as cauliflowers, onions, leeks, pears, rice, almonds and green tea. In case of imbalance it is better to avoid dairy products, sweets, flours, coffee, fried foods and alcohol.

Very useful are breathing exercises, meditation, yoga or any oriental art that brings energetic balance, including shiatsu.

Let's face this autumn with correct breathing and let's try to let go of everything that doesn't make us feel good.

published on 16/10/2024

"OPEN DAY - a moment of relax"

enjoy 30 minutes of SHIATSU for free

Have you ever heard of this ancient Japanese "art" with which through pressure on certain areas or points, the body is rebalanced to improve the person's physical, mental and emotional health and well-being? Are you curious and would you like to try it?

I offer you 30 minutes to experience a short shiatsu massage and perhaps this will awaken in you a curiosity to know more.

This free session will take place on 23rd/24th of October from 9am to 7pm.

Feel free to contact me for a reservation. 

published on 09/10/2024

"OPEN DAY - a moment of harmony"

enjoy 30 minutes of REIKI for free

Are you curious to experiment with a Japanese technique that uses universal energy and physical contact through the hands to restore psycho-physical health?

I offer you 30 minutes to experience a short reiki treatment and perhaps this makes you curious to know more.

This free session will take place on 23rd/24th of October from 9am to 7pm.

Feel free to contact me for a reservation. 

published on 09/10/2024

"Give yourself a gift"

Treat yourself or your friends and family to a package of shiatsu treatments.

Package of 5 treatments

  • by purchasing 5 sessions, you will receive the 5th treatment with a 30% discount

  • coupon is valid for 6 month from the date of purchase

published on 09/10/2024

Package of 10 treatments

  • by purchasing 10 sessions, you will receive the 10th treatment for free 

  • coupon is valid for 1 year from the date of purchase

published on 09/10/2024

"Relax on your birthday"

Enjoy shiatsu treatment while celebrating your birthday.

60 minutes bithday package

  • if you book a session for your birthday, you will get 20% discount

published on 09/10/2024

90 minutes bithday package

  • if you book a session for your birthday, you will get 25% discount

published on 09/10/2024


In each of us there is a wounded little girl or boy who wants to be heard. As children, many of us have experienced difficult moments in our childhood, some have suffered violence or various traumas.
The inner child requires care, love and attention but we often hide or run away because we are afraid of suffering.
And instead, let's take care of this inner boy or girl...with hugs, listening to his needs, making him feel loved, welcomed and understood.


published on 03/10/2024

"Quote for the month of OCTOBER"

The one who knows his goal feels strong, this strength makes him serene, this serenity ensures inner peace.
Only inner peace allows deep reflection, deep reflection is the starting point of all success.

published on 01/10/2024

The fifth season "Late Summer" and Shiatsu

It's September, the end of summer, the days are starting to get shorter, there is still sun during the day but in the morning and evening the temperatures drop. Nature is preparing for the arrival of autumn.

According to T.C.M. (Traditional Chinese Medicine) we are in the fifth season called Late Summer, a period between the end of August and the end of September. It is a period of transition, of transformation. It is a period of harvesting fruit, cereals, legumes and vegetables. Man stocks up for the winter. This transition exists between all the seasons, but in this period of late summer it is more evident.

In T.C.M. this period is associated with the Earth element, which has a solid earth, an earth that supports us, welcomes us, nourishes us. The Earth is like a mother who nourishes her children. The associated color is yellow ochre. The climate that defines this element is humidity.

The flavor is sweet, the natural sweetness of cereals, legumes and not that of sugar. It is recommended to eat millet, whole grains, chickpeas and yellow-orange fruits and vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, pumpkins. Foods that increase humidity such as milk, yogurt and cheese and fatty foods should be avoided.

If we think about it, the Earth is the source of birth and life, but also a place where we remain after death, a continuous transition.

Both nature and man slow down and prepare for the autumn Yin while enjoying the last rays of the sun, the last moments of summer joy.

The Earth in our body is related to the Spleen-Pancreas and the Stomach. The function of the Stomach is to receive and process food. Then the Spleen takes over and does the actual processing. It transforms food into blood and purifies it of harmful substances and distributes the pure energy obtained from the transformation to the organs. It also plays an important role in our immune system.

The Spleen is responsible for our thoughts, our centering. From a mental point of view, it is a place of logical ability, concentration, memorization and learning.

In case of an energetic imbalance of the Earth, we can have digestive difficulties, the so-called nervous hunger, the muscles lose their shape. We feel less concentrated, thoughts can become obsessive, we have difficulty studying, memorizing. We often dwell on the past, jealousy can also emerge excessively.

Instead, when we are well balanced, we are more empathetic, welcoming, with a great desire to learn and study.

published on 20/09/2024

SHIATSU WEEK 18/09 - 25/09/2024

The national event, organized by FISieo (Italian Federation of Shiatsu Teachers and Operators), pursues the objective of making this Ancient Art for Health known to a wider audience.

This year's theme will be "Shiatsu and Listening".

I too, as an ordinary member of the association, join the program. Anyone interested in this initiative is invited to contact me for an appointment and will receive a second treatment free of charge to be used by October 15, 2024 (new customers).

published on 16/09/2024

"Quote for the month of SEPTEMBER"

Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist it, because it only creates pain.
Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward as they please.

published on 04/09/2024

"Quote for the month of AUGUST"

One day fear knocked on the door. Courage went to open the door and found no one.
It is possible to conquer all fears in life, but only if you decide to do so.
Always remember this.
Fear exists nowhere except in your mind.

published on 31/07/2024

Wisdoms towards awareness, towards changing our mind

1. The first step towards change is awareness.
2. You can't change what you refuse to face.
3. Your mind is as a garden, you can grow flowers or weeds.
4. The only thing you can really control in life is your attitude.
5. Emotions are signals, not directives.
6. We can't control the wind, but we can adjust the sails.
7. The real power is in the response, not in the reaction.
8. Gratitude turns what we have into enough.
9. Healthy relationships require openness and honesty.
10. Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself.

published on 31/07/2024

The Sun and us

The Sun is the heart of our existence, the source of life on Earth. However, modern society has developed an irrational fear of the sun. To restore our health and regain our humanity, we have to renew our relationship with the sun.

Throughout the history, humans have worshiped the sun as God. Today we see it as a threat that damages our skin and health. This change demonstrates our disconnection from nature.

To find our energetic balance, let's see the various benefits of the sun:

VITAMIN D - sunlight is one of the main sources of vitamin D, essential for bones and the immune system

THE HUMOUR AND MENTAL WELL-BEING - the sun increases serotonin levels which is the hormone of happiness

REGULATION OF THE CYCLE SLEEP-WAKEFULNESS - the sun helps regulate our circadian rhythm, the natural cycle of sleep and wakefulness

STRESS REDUCTION - staying outdoors and enjoying sunlight can reduce levels of cortisol which is the hormone of stress

CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH - sunlight helps to dilate blood vessels and can consequently lower blood pressure

NATURAL BEAUTY - exposing yourself moderatoly to the sun can improve skin aspects, such as acne and other skin disorders

published on 04/07/2024

"Quote for the month of JULY"

Knowing when to walk away is wisdom. Being able to do that is courage.
Leaving, with your head held high, is dignity.

published on 04/07/2024

Summer and Shiatsu

Summer is the time when nature reaches its maximum growth, with the blossom of flowers and fruits, and the sun reaches its maximum splendor. It represents the moment of extreme yang, the maximum heat and the maximum light. The days are warm and very bright and we are led to spend more time outside and, without realizing it, we find ourselves better disposed to socializing and sharing, empathy and understanding.

This season is associated with the emotion of cheerfulness and joy which, however, in excessive ways can lead to imbalance.

According to T.C.M., summer is associated with fire characterized by dynamism, flexibility, maximum expansion, the ability to heat and rise upwards. On one hand, fire is a source of life, on the other it causes destruction. Fire represents strength, it is the supreme yang, it is a symbol of transformation and rebirth after destruction.

The upward and outward movements reproduce the movement of the organ associated with this season, the heart. In summer, the heat being yang in nature, has a toning and mobilizing effects on the heart. The heart is the center of emotions and feelings.

If the heart is in a good energetic state, the blood circulates well and the constitution is strong, the psycho-emotional sphere is also in balance. While if the heart is in energetic imbalance, the flow of blood is weak and the constitution is fragile.

The fire element is associated with summer as it represents the full expression of life, but it is essential to keep it in balance to fully enjoy the benefits of this season.

To tone the energy of the heart, it is useful to consume food with a bitter taste and of a fresh nature, which cotrasts the heat, as they stimulate the production of liquids and tone the yin.

In summer it is essential to sweat, because the body expels excess heat through sweating. Otherwise, the liquids which are not expelled can turn into humidity.

Let's fully enjoy the positive aspects of summer, the joy and happiness that it brings with it... but be careful not to overdo it, let's learn to take our time and stop when necessary. Let's try to socialize, smile, show empathy towards others and embrace each other.


published on 20/06/2024

Fight stress with Shiatsu

Stress is a part of our daily life. Having problems at work, at home or in the family can lead to stress but also to depression, anxiety, panic attacks and insomnia. How to manage all this? Shiatsu is a valid aid to combat all the pathologies mentioned above and also other daily problems that put a pressure on our mind and nervous system.

Psychological support can be useful for calming and reducing these disorders but shiatsu, thanks to the stimulation of specific points and areas, can prove very useful indeed.

Shiatsu acts on the peripheral as well as on the central nervous system, helping in the release of endorphins. They are powerful natural analgesics, capable of lowering blood pressure, reducing muscle spasms and promoting good blood and lymphatic circulation. With the release of endorphins, one can experience sensation of well-being and feeling in a better mood.

Fighting stress with shiatsu is possible and beneficial. It is a great way to rebalance the body and find interior harmony as well as a feeling of peace around us.

published on 07/06/2024

"Quote for the month of JUNE"

Encourage yourself, believe in yourself and love yourself.
Never give up. Today is difficult, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow it will be sunny.

published on 04/06/2024

"OPEN DAY - a moment of harmony"

enjoy 30 minutes of REIKI for free

Are you curious to experiment with a Japanese technique that uses universal energy and physical contact through the hands to restore psycho-physical health?

I offer you 30 minutes to experience a short reiki treatment and perhaps this makes you curious to know more.

This free session will take place on 30th of May from 9am to 6pm.

Feel free to contact me for a reservation. 

published on 16/05/2024

"OPEN DAY - a moment of relax"

enjoy 30 minutes of SHIATSU for free

Have you ever heard of this ancient Japanese "art"? And would you like to try it?

I offer you 30 minutes to experience a short shiatsu massage and perhaps this will awaken in you a curiosity to know more.

This free session will take place on 29th of May from 9am to 6pm.

Feel free to contact me for a reservation. 

published on 16/05/2024

"Quote for the month of MAY"

There is a bridge that connects what we do with what we would like to do.
Little by little, our dreams begin to take over our everyday lives, until we feel that we are ready for what we have always wanted.
Then all it takes is a pinch of audacity and the two lives become one.

published on 10/05/2024

Trust Yourself with Shiatsu

Trusting yourself leads us to be happier in life.

Trust in our abilities and in our own judgment helps us achieve our goals, allows us to face various situations with more courage, leads us to improve the quality of life through awareness.

Believe in yourself and everything that you are. Know that there is something within you that is greater than any obstacle.

Shiatsu - support in regaining self-esteem and self-confidence

published on 16/04/2024

"Give yourself a gift"

Treat yourself or your friends and family to a package of shiatsu treatments.

Package of 5 treatments

  • by purchasing 5 sessions, you will receive the next treatment for half price 

  • coupon is valid for 6 month from the date of purchase

published on 04/04/2024

Package of 10 treatments

  • by purchasing 10 sessions, you will receive one treatment for free 

  • coupon is valid for 1 year from the date of purchase

published on 04/04/2024

"Relax on your birthday"

Enjoy shiatsu treatment while celebrating your birthday.

60 minutes bithday package

  • if you book a session for your birthday, you will get 20% discount

published on 04/04/2024

90 minutes bithday package

  • if you book a session for your birthday, you will get 25% discount

published on 04/04/2024

"Quote for the month of APRIL"

A bird sitting on a branch is never afraid that the branch breaks, because its trust is not in the branch, but in its wings.

published on 03/04/2024

Shiatsu and prevention - to promote our 360° well-being

"Prevention is better than cure".

Western and Oriental views differ significantly. Prevention is the way to stay healthy.

In the Orient, human beings are considered unique and preventing disease is a part of their life. They believe in the importance and principle of prevention, in complete health well-being; that's, in physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.

In the Western countries we trust those who treat us once we are ill. We are not used to thinking about prevention, we are not used to relying on alternative techniques to stay fully healthy. We don't pay attention to the signals our body sends us.

Shiatsu, Reiki, Reflexology and any other holistic techniques can be a ​​fundamental help for the prevention.

published on 26/03/2024

Shiatsu and the Spring season

Spring has arrived, it's the rebirth after a long winter. Nature wakes up, grows, flourishes but so does a human being. Just as trees are well planted on the ground with their roots and expand towards the sky with their branches showing their flexibility; we can also try to remain calm, flexible and use our creativity, use our strengths to move forward with our projects.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (T.C.M.) this period of the year corresponds to the element of Wood which is expressed in the body through the Liver and the Gall Bladder. Wood is characterized by wind which can be a precious but also dangerous.

According to T.C.M. the wind can cause colds or various allergies, especially if the immune system is not in good condition. The emotion linked to this element is anger which is often unleashed when we cannot realize our ideas.

The Liver is a good strategist and the Gall Bladder helps it make decisions. The Liver governs blood, meaning as the source of life, and the Gall Bladder produces bile.

By joining forces together, being in good condition and using creativity, they manage to realize our projects.


published on 25/03/2024

"Open Day - a moment of relax"

enjoy 30 minutes of shiatsu for free

Have you ever heard of this ancient Japanese "art"? And would you like to try it?

I offer you 30 minutes to experience a short shiatsu massage and perhaps this will awaken in you a curiosity to know more.

This free session will take place  on 27th of March from 9am to 6pm.

Feel free to contact me for a reservation. 

published on 12/03/2024

Shiatsu and women

There are moments in women's lives (such as menstrual problems, pregnancy or menopause) or difficult situations that they have to face on daily basis (such as personal, family or work problems) and Shiatsu treatments can be a help or a support to reduce anxiety, stress and the various pains that arise from all these situations. Shiatsu helps to increase the efficiency of the immune system and therefore WELL-BEING.

published on 11/03/2024

"Quote for the month of MARCH"

Seize the moment. Surrender to what is now. Letting go of what was before.
Have faith in what will be after. Shall we stop for a moment and shall we listen to ourselves?

published on 01/03/2024

 Insomnia and shiatsu
Shiatsu works in various fields of well-being and according to research published in the Journal of Integrative Medicine it can help people fall asleep and it can also help relieve the symptoms of insomnia. Its relaxing effects calm the body and mind, leading to better sleep.
sourse: http://www.jcimjournal.com/EN/10.1016/j.joim.2018.11.002
sourse: http://www.jcimjournal.com/EN/10.1016/S2095-4964(14)60010-8 

published on 22/02/2024

Shiatsu - a touch of well-being

"Shiatsu is like the embrace of the mother to her child."
"If you place your hand on one point of the body and follow the meridians with your fingers (immagine as if they were highways), you will feel the echo of life."(Shizuto Masunaga)

published on 09/02/2024

Introduction of Shiatsu to children

to promote their well-being 

For children shiatsu is a wonderful world to explore.
  • it may improve their concentration
  • it may bring the confidence in themselves and in others
  • it may lead to new friendships
  • it may convey their calm and security
  • it may improve their relationships and communication
  • it may improve sleep, breathing and hyperactivity

published on 08/02/2024

"Quote for the month of FEBRUARY"

Life is about balance. Be kind, but don't let yourself be exploited.
Trust others, but don't let yourself to be tricked. Be satisfied, but never stop improving yourself.

published on 01/02/2024

"Open Day - a moment of relax"

enjoy 20 minutes of shiatsu for free

Have you ever heard of this ancient Japanese "art"? And would you like to try it?

I offer you 20 minutes to experience a short shiatsu massage and perhaps this will awaken in you a curiosity to know more.

This free session will take place  on 8th and 9th of February from 10am to 6pm.

Feel free to contact me for a reservation. 

published on 28/01/2024

"Give yourself a gift"

Treat yourself or your friends and family to a package of shiatsu treatments.

Package of 5 treatments

  • by purchasing 5 sessions, you will receive the next treatment for half price 

  • coupon is valid for 6 month from the date of purchase

published on 22/01/2024

Package of 10 treatments

  • by purchasing 10 sessions, you will receive one treatment for free 

  • coupon is valid for 1 year from the date of purchase

published on 22/01/2024

"Relax on your birthday"

Enjoy shiatsu treatment while celebrating your birthday.

60 minutes bithday package

  • if you book a session for your birthday, you will get 20% discount

published on 22/01/2024

90 minutes bithday package

  • if you book a session for your birthday, you will get 25% discount

published on 22/01/2024

"Quote for the month of January"

This month is made for dreaming, every project can be realized.
Search for suitable words to convince everyone of your projects.

published on 08/01/2024