My Studio Shiatsu
What is Shiatsu?
Shiatsu is a form of massage therapy of Japanese origin which is based on the existence of the vital energy "KI" that flows within all living beings. It helps to rebalance energy and brings back well-being in order to maintain and improve the state of health.
The Japanese term shiatsu is composed of "shi" (fingers) e "atsu" (pressure), so it literally means “pressure with the fingers”. It is a treatment in which the thumbs and palms of the hands are used to exert pressure on certain points or areas of the body, with the aim at correcting disorders in our body.
With the pressure exerted on the entire body, shiatsu helps to rebalance the organism from both a functional and physiological as well as from energetic point of view. Furthermore, it helps to recover one's strength if weakened.
The benefits of Shiatsu
One of the important characteristics of shiatsu is a global approach to the individual. The objective is not only to remove the most superficial symptoms or disorders but shiatsu considers the person in his totality and complexity. Furthermore, the ability to self-heal is stimulated in each individual.
Shiatsu helps to transmit calm and security, the self-confidence. It is a contact with oneself and with the others. It is an awareness. It helps to improve relationships and communication with the outside world. It has favorable effects on the psyche and our emotions. 
Shiatsu increases the knowledge of one's body, through touch it restores energy balance and helps alleviate the consequences of traumas of various kinds.

Shiatsu is recommended and aimed at all people, there are no age limits and anyone can benefit from it. The goal is to achieve a better physical, mental and energetic balance, regardless of the initial state or condition.

Shiatsu is effective because it works on the entire organism. Due to its gentle and non-invasive nature, it has no particular contraindications.